Supermarket 2025
Please note that information in italic is not confirmed/is outdated/will be updated.
Venue ^
Supermarket 2025
Skärholmsplan 5 (entrance SKHLM 5)
127 48 Skärholmen
The location is Skärholmen. By metro you take the red metro line 13 towards Norsborg.
Walk across the square to Entrance 5.
Car parking
There is parking available in the premises of Skärholmen Centrum with access directly to the venue.
Garageplan 1 (G1), entrance 4 (signs to ICA Kvantum or Willys)
Skärholmen Centrum P-Hus
127 48 Skärholmen,-p-hus/
Free WiFi
The password is Supermarket2025.
Smoking is not allowed inside the venue.
Please do not consume any peanuts at the fair – severe allergies have occurred among our staff and audience.
Please do not block the emergency exits in any way, and help to keep them clear.
The Lounge
We will further specify the location of the Lounge for exhibitors and other participants. Self-cost coffee, snacks and drinks will be served. Cash (or Swish) only. It is not allowed to bring beer or wine outside the Lounge.
Timeframe ^
The dates for the exhibitors are 2–6 April 2025 (Wednesday to Sunday).
The public dates are 3–6 April 2025.
Wednesday 2 April is a special day, when the art fair is closed to the public and only accessible to the exhibitors, press and invited guests from the art sector. On this day, Press preview, Supermarket Forum and the Professional Preview take place. Participation for one person per exhibitor is included in the exhibiting fee.
Please note
As an exhibitor you need to arrive several days in advance of the fair to set up your booth (depending on how much time you need for it).
You need to be present and your booth needs to be ready during the exhibitor dates on 2–6 April.
We recommend that you arrive on Sunday 30 March or Monday 31 March and leave on Monday 7 April or Tuesday 8 April.
You can start to deinstall your booth only after the closing time on Sunday 6 April (18.00–21.00).
Public dates
3–6 April 2025 (Exhibitor dates are 2–6 April 2025)
Public vernissage evening: Thursday 3 April, 18.00–20.00 (Professional preview: Wednesday 2 April, 18.00–24.00)
Opening hours:
Thursday–Saturday, 12.00–20.00
Sunday, 12.00–18.00
Exhibitor dates
Installation: Monday–Tuesday 10.00–22.00
Press viewing: Wednesday 2 April, 11.00
Supermarket Forum: Wednesday 2 April, 15.00–18.00
Professional preview: Wednesday 2 April, 18.00–24.00 (VIP entrance 18.00–19.00)
Supermarket Exhibitor Party: Saturday 20.00–02.00, TBA
De-installation: Sunday 6 April, 18.00–21.00
The walls are removed on Monday 7 April. You can leave your things in a safe distance to the walls, and pick it up on Monday between 11.00 and 18.00
Pick-up of artworks for shipment by transport companies etc.: Monday 7 April, 11.00–18.00
Please check in at the information desk at the entrance. There you will receive your nametags, catalogues and all necessary information.
Do not forget to send us the names of your staff prior to arrival to (Deadline 15 March).
Rented chairs, tables, lights and equipment, as well as t-shirts you also collect from the information desk or get information on how to receive them.
You need to be present and your booth needs to be ready during the exhibitor dates on 2–6 April
If you are lost upon your arrival, call Andreas at +46 703 36 58 62 or Alice at +46 728 49 29 89.
Planning ^
Large and small booths can have up to 5 staff members present at the fair at a time. Presentation booths and associate galleries can have 2 staff present.
Do not forget to send us the names of your staff prior to arrival to our information coordinator Elin Wik (Deadline 15 March).
During the fair, if any booth should need more staff to access the fair at a time, a 4-day pass can be purchased for half price (SEK 200 per person) or SEK 50 for one day. These can be purchased at the entrance desk.
If agreed upon, member organisations that have many people scheduled for watching their exhibition stand can swap the name tags between themselves. However staff exceeding 5 (or 2) will have to pay admission on the Professional Preview on Wednesday.
If you intend to bring valuable equipment to Supermarket 2025, please ensure that it is covered by insurance, as this will not be provided by Supermarket.
Travel and accommodation
The location is Skärholmen. By metro you take the red metro line 13 towards Norsborg. Anywhere near one of its metro stations is a good choice. Read more under Accommodation.
The invoices will be sent out by email in February. Payments from outside EU can be made with lower bank fees using WISE. If you have a question regarding your invoice, email us at:
Sales and VAT rules
You manage eventual sales yourself, and we don’t ask for any provision. We can help to manage the contact with art consultants that do aquisitions. In these cases you will usually have to provide an electronic invoice from a company. The easies way for private sales is that you ask for a Paypal or cash payment.
Here is information about VAT rules. If an artist who has a smaller sales number than €28,000 per year sells the work they don’t have to add VAT. If it is higher than €28,000 there is 12% VAT.
The Public Health Agency of Sweden
Shipping and customs
Before shipping artwork to Sweden from countries outside the EU you should check out customs regulations and make sure to have an ATA carnet, so that you do not have to pay VAT or other fees.
Delivery before 26 March:
Smaller packages can be sent to: Andreas Ribbung, Folkungagatan 56, lgh 1504, SE-11622 Stockholm, Sweden. Please inform Andreas of the shipment prior at
Delivery on Friday 28 March, Monday 31 March or Tuesday 1 April.
Cars up to 2.2 m:
Garageplan 1 (G1) Skärholmen Centrum P-Hus Skärholmsvägen
127 48 Skärholmen Sweden
Follow signs to ICA Kvantum/Systembolaget
Call Andreas: 0046703365862
Trucks and cars over 2.2 m:
Underground loading dock area, the door next to the large loading dock straight ahead.
Eldholmsbacken 2
127 48 Skärholmen
Driving directions: Driving north on Skärholmsvägen, take right after the sign to ‘SKHLM P’. Pass behind the petrol station ‘st1’, and enter the basement loading area under the shopping mall where a sign says ‘Infart Lastgata’. The door is to the left of the large loading dock straight ahead.
(Latitude/Longitude: 59.276200, 17.910700 GPS Coordinates: 59° 16′ 34.842” N, 17° 54′ 38.5488” E)
Call Andreas: 0046703365862
If you bring artworks in your baggage you can claim that it is works in progress without any value, planned to be taken out of the country again.
This year our programme of Talks and Performances is smaller. We will not provide a stage, and only minimal technical support, but there will be an area for you to deliver a talk or a presentation. If you are planning to schedule a talk or a performance in your booth or in the allocated T&P space and would like this information to be included in our online programme, write the title, date and time and a short description to
- Will there be chairs in each exhibition booth?
Yes, two chairs per stand are included for every exhibitor. These will be distributed to each of the booths by our volunteers. Extra chairs need to be pre-ordered (see below). You pay by card upon your arrival to the fair.
- How do we order chairs and tables?
You can order tables and chairs before 15 March. Send an email to our information coordinator Elin Wik You pay by card upon your arrival to the fair. We provide 2 chairs for free, but you need to order any additional ones (extra chair is 30 SEK*). You will be able to pick up your order at the information desk during the installation days.
Prices: White round or square café table Ø70–80 cm, H: 72 cm – 253 SEK*. Round bar table Ø60 cm, H: 110 cm – 238 SEK*. White plastic table, 60 x 122 cm – 81 SEK*. (There is also a wider option, 76 x 122 cm, for the same price. Please note down clearly if you want the wider option.)
*25% VAT will be added to all prices.
- Can we order extra walls for our booth?
The wall segments are 1 m wide and 2.5 m high. Some wall segments are ½ metre wide. A link to the floorplan will be provided here in March.
Order extra walls by 15 March at The price is 200 SEK for 1 m, and 190 SEK for 0.5 m. 25% VAT will be added to all prices. You pay by card upon your arrival to the fair. - Can we order extra spotlights?
There will be general lighting but you can order exhibition led arm light spotlights that are attached to the top of the fair walls. You will get ca 5 spotlights per large booth and ca 3 per small booth. If you think you will need more they cost 75 SEK each to rent. Send an email to our information coordinator Elin Wik at before 15 March.
Facebook group for exhibitors
There is a Facebook group for our exhibitors.
We regularly publish information relevant to the art fair and your participation in the group, so we recommend you join in.
Please add all the members of your team and artists who will be involved in your exhibit at Supermarket. We will approve your request.
Find the Facebook group ‘Supermarket 2024 Participants’ HERE.
Installation and floorplan ^
All booths will have access to electric outlets. There are extension cables and multiple sockets to borrow.
There are some basic tools to borrow, but exhibitors are usually borrowing from each other.
Any tools that Supermarket can provide are collected at the info desk.
See Where to buy section below for information on art and materials suppliers, print shops and hardware stores.
- Is it possible to hang heavy artworks or monitors on the wall?
The walls are made of masonite with filling, so drilling and plugging does not work for heavy pieces. The walls have a frame made of 5 cm solid wood. If you can fix a wooden screw close to the joints it will work. Hanging with wire from the top of the wall is another option. The third option: a nail hole where you put a small S-hook is stronger than only a screw or nail.
The best way to hang a monitor if you can not fix it to the solid wooden frame is to cover the wall with chipboard. - Is it possible to hang things from the ceiling?
Please ask us before if you plan to hang something. The ceiling height is 5.55 metres, and at the start of the installation it might be possible to drill holes at this height if you have exact position.
There are a lot of pipes, ventilation ducts and flourescents, down to 3.9 metres height, and at 3.6 there are hanging light rails. Light objects might be possible to hang from the hanging constructions, but please confirm with us before.
- Can we paint the walls?
If you want to paint the walls of the booth, use matte paint. If you use shiny paint, permanent marker or wallpaper that cannot be removed, you will be charged SEK 700 + VAT per 1 m section. If you want to use wallpaper, we suggest that you staple it instead of gluing it.
If you want to paint your booth, the floor should be covered. Small stains should be removed with water and cloth.
- Are there any restrictions for drilling/sawing the walls?
Small holes that can be filled are ok, but the exhibitors will have to reimburse walls with irreparable damages (SEK 700 + VAT per 1 m section). All holes in the walls should be filled before the exhibitors leave the fair!
Please note that you cannot drill in the floor of the venue.
Is it necessary for exhibitors to finish the installation before the Forum day on Wednesday 2 April?
Yes, your booth needs to be finished by 11.00 on Wednesday 2 April. Why? From 11.00 on Wednesday we will hold the press preview, and from 15.00 the Supermarket Forum seminar day will take place in the fair. Due to limitations of space, only one person per gallery will be able to participate in the Forum.
- Where can exhibitors keep packing material?
Tie it together and clearly mark it with the gallery name/phone number. We will further specify the location of our storage room.
- What kind of AC power plugs and sockets are used in Sweden?
CEE 7 standard – a voltage of 230 V and a frequency of 50 Hz.
- Where can exhibitors print and copy?
See Where to buy… section below.
If you want to order vinyl letters we recommend Malena Zsiga who can also help you to mount the text.
Please note that you cannot start to deinstall your booth before 18.00 on Sunday 6 April. You can deinstall 18.00–21.00. The deinstallation continues on Monday.
The floorplan will be uploaded in March.
Professional Preview, digital invitation card ^
The Professional Preview will take place on Wednesday 2 April 18.00–24.00. It will open for VIP guests 18.00–19.00 (smaller number of VIP guests, including the Exhibitors and participants of Supermarket Forum), and from 19.00 for a larger audience.
There are two kinds of invitations to the Professional Preview:
A regular invitation (admission 120 SEK) and a limited number of VIP invitations (free admission).
VIP invitation (free admission): The VIP invitations get access all days, not just on the Wednesday. If you have a large or small exhibition stand you will get up to 5 VIP invitations each. If you have a presentation stand you get 2. Email the names and emails of these people to by 15 March. They will receive an invitation.
Regular Professional Preview invitation (120 SEK): You can invite ca 10 persons, but please note that they should predominantly be professionals in the field of art. Download invitation card here: PDF or JPG (Old cards from 2024, new are coming soon).
They register at and use the code SUPERPRO (forward the image and attach the link if you email the invitation). All guests will have to RSVP with a unique email address.
Press and social media ^
Every year, Supermarket receives coverage in both local and international press. Therefore we would like to ask if you have any images that could be used specifically for these purposes to send them to our press team Felicia and Veronika at
Supermarket 2025 theme is Passion. If you have any photographs (e.g. of artwork) that can relate to this topic, we will be glad to receive them. Read more about the theme here.
Please include correct captions: Artist, ‘Title’, material, other info, year, photo (if other than the artist): Photographer
Example: Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio, ‘Martyrdom of St. Lawrence’, oil on canvas, 183 x 131 cm, 1609, photo: Fabrizio CoronaIf you mention us on social media, please use these tags:
#supermarket2025 #supermarketartfair #supermarketartfair2025 #artistrunspace #artistrun #independentartfair #artistrunartfair
Instagram: @supermarketart
The SUPERMARKET 2025 logo is available to download in different formats in our Media Library
Communicating, please refer to SUPERMARKET 2025 alternatively SUPERMARKET – Stockholm Independent Art Fair not Supermarket Art Fair. If you choose to create a Facebook event in connection with your participation we would recommend phrasing the title starting with your space name. E.g. ”Detroit Stockholm at SUPERMARKET 2025”. This to make it easier for visitors to navigate their way to the official Facebook event.
Communications and parking ^
The location is the big shopping mall SKHLM in Skärholmen Centrum, very close to the metro.
Public transport
The closest metro (Tunnelbana) stop is: Skärholmen (red metro line 13 direction Norsborg)
Between 06.00 and 21.30 they leave every 10 minutes and take 23 minutes from Slussen, 16 minutes from Hornstull. The metro runs all night.
Airport to City/Skärholmen
- The airport bus to City Terminalen (Stockholm City) is the cheapest option. It leaves every 15 minutes until 1.30 am (then there are a bit less frequent connections at 2.15 am, 3.15 am, 4.45 am) and the journey takes around 45 minutes. The cost is approximately €10.
Have a look at for more information or to buy tickets. If you buy the tickets online, the prices are slightly lower.
If you arrive at terminal 5 you have to walk quite a bit to reach the airport buses due to reconstruction work. Grab a baggage cart.
You can also take the fast (but more expensive) Arlanda Express train (takes ca 20 min to Stockholm City): - The airport bus and fast train arrive in the City Terminal, connected to the Central station/T-centralen Metro station.
- We recommend that you buy a 7 day metro ticket (it is approx €41). Take the metro to Skärholmen.
You can be prepared and get the smart phone app here:–tickets/smart-phone-ticket-app
At the automatic barriers you touch your phone with the ticket on the green ticket reader. If you don’t have the app you will be charged for a single ticket if you touch a contactless card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express).
Taxi from Arlanda Airport to the city centre
Car for up to 4 persons – SEK 495.
Large car, with seats for 5-7 persons – SEK 745. (~30-1h, depending on traffic) (, call: +46 8 15 00 00)
Airport taxi from Skavsta Airport is very expensive: a regular car for up to 4 persons is SEK 1375, and a large car, with seats for 5-7 persons is SEK 2065. (1h, depending on traffic situation) (, call: +46 8 15 00 00) Get the airport bus instead!
If you are lost upon your arrival call Alice at +46 728 492 989.
By car
Map to the fair
Parking in Stockholm
Roadside parking in the city costs a lot of money. There are five different rates – ‘Taxa 1–5’. A blue sign on the street informs which rate applies. A good way is to download the parking app ‘Stockholm Parking’. Otherwise, there are pay machines. Roadside parking is usually free in the evenings and Sundays. The information on what hours you are supposed to pay a parking fee is stated on the parking signs.
In the suburbian area around Skärholmen the 5th rate (Taxa 5) is charged: 5 SEK per hour between 07 and 19, after that free of charge.
Car parks (garages) offer ‘evening parking’ at a low price. The fee is SEK 50 from 18.00 to midnight. For this you pay SEK 50 in the pay machine and the parking time you get will automatically ‘jump’ to midnight.
The car park in the shopping mall has free parking for up to 3 hours. Grab a ‘P-skiva’ at the entrance and put it in the front window with your time of arrival.
Accomodation ^
A private flat can be the best/least expensive option for a group of people. (Below we also list hostels and budget hotels)
When you choose location, anywhere near one of the stations along metro line 13 is the best choice.
This information will be updated is the most complete database of hostel information available anywhere online. The site lists all hostels for free and includes direct contact info for hostels and exclusive photos and reviews.
Budget hostels and hotels:
Zinkensdamm’s hotel (and Youth hostel)
Zinkens väg 20
117 41 Stockholm
Our hotel consists of 90 new, good rooms. Free access to broadband Internet connection. We have a friendly bar, sauna, solarium, cable-TV, laundry service and garage. In several rooms there are two extra beds which make them suitable for families and groups.
Mosebacke Hostel
Slussen / Medborgarplatsen
Reimersholme Hotel
Metro Hornstull
Hotel Hellstens Malmgård
Search result
Metro Zinkensdamm
The Red Boat (boat near Slussen)
Hotel Rygerfjord (boat near Slussen)
Hotel Point
Hotel Söder
City centre:
Castanea Hostel
Old town
Private twin bed rooms but showers and WC’s are located in the corridor.
Hotel Micro
Norrmalm, Tegnérlunden 8
Private bed rooms but showers and WC’s are located in the corridor.
Archipelago Hostel
Old town
Private twin bed rooms but showers and WC’s are located in the corridor.
2 kronor
Old town or Vasastan
Private twin bed rooms but showers and WC’s are located in the corridor.
City Lodge
Youth hostel, City
More links:
Colonial Hotel
Hotell Norrtull
Renstierna Hotel
Renstiernas Gata 15
S-116 28 Stockholm
Hotel Renstierna centrally located on Södermalm, Stockholm, has 10 private single/double rooms for 1-6 persons. (Nice area)
Acapulco Hotell
Bjurholmsplan 23
116 94 Stockholm
In a pleasant and calm environment you will find Acapulco – a family and apartment hotel. (Nice area)Hotel
Where to buy & What’s on? ^
There are many different restaurants and fast food places in Skärholmen Centrum and the square.
Tools and paint
There is a Clas Ohlson in the shopping mall for basic needs.
DIY stores with tools, paint and timber:
K-RAUTA and Bygghemma
DIY stores
On the other side of the E4 highway
You can take bus 865 or 740 to Månskärsvägen 1
If you have a car this is only 7 minutes away
Artists supply
The closest place to get paint and art equipment would be Clas Ohlson in the shopping mall, but the choice is very limited.
Professional artists supply: Konstnärernas Centralköp at Mosebacke square, it is only a 5 minute walk from Slussen metro station (exit Hökens gata), Fiskargatan 1 A.
In the city center, there is also Kreatima on Kungsgatan 58, you can get the metro there – just get off at T-Centralen.
You can also get basic paint and art equipment at Clas Ohlson stores.
Where do I find an ATM
ATM’s can be found upstairs in the mall, near ICA Kvantum, and near the metro station.
Here is a map of all the ATMs.
Where do I print and copy
Library (b/w copies 3 SEK, colour copies 5 SEK)
Order C-prints or lambda prints from:
If you want to order vinyl letters we recommend Malena Zsiga who can also help you mount the text.
The shops in the shopping mall:
Mixed hardware, office supplies and electronic stores:
More hobby materials stores:
You can also find the charity shop Myrorna: the farmacy Apoteket: and wine and beer store Systembolaget:
There is an art gallery for local artists in the mall:
If you take bus 865 or 740 you find a shopping area a few bus stops away:
Consumer electronic stores:
Rental of audiovisual equipment, ie large flat screens
The World’s number one IKEA store!
What’s on? Exhibitions and art events i Stockholm
(Info below is from 2024, will be updated before the fair)
Tuesday 23 April
71 open studios on two floors at wip:sthlm. Self cost bar (bring cash) and food truck.
Address: Västbergavägen 26.
From Telefonplan metro station, walk for around 12 minutes straight along Mikrofonvägen and Västbergavägen. You can also take bus 165 from Liljeholmen to Västberga Gårdsväg, which is closer.
Facebook event:
Wednesday 24 April
Professional Preview at SUPERMARKET 2024 all evening!
Saturday 27 April
Exhibitor and Staff Party at SUPERMARKET 2024 all evening!
Ongoing exhibitions
Moderna Museet
Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum
Carl Fredrik Hill & Fanny Churberg – towards a new landscape
Thielska Galleriet
A new light. Stefan Johansson
Marie Krøyer
Berlinde De Bruyckere
‘No Life Lost’
Admission: SEK 195
Tensta konsthall
‘Chronos: health, access and intimacy’
Participating artists: Jessie Bullivant, Cecilia Germain, Melanie Gilligan, Goldin+Senneby, Jakob Jakobsen, Matrix Feminist Design Co-operative, Park McArthur, Olivia Plender, Ihra Lill Scharning, Vård och värde, and Constantina Zavitsanos.
Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen ‘Kaleidoscope’
Cindy Sherman ‘Tapestries’
Admission: SEK 199
Art event listings
Sea Slug Art Guide:
Prices in Sweden ^
The currency is Swedish krona (SEK 100 ≈ € 8.70; USD 9.04; £ 7.28)
Eat and drink out
A lunch is approximately 90–120 SEK (Light lunch at cafés 70–90 SEK), a dinner from 130 SEK at a budget restaurant, 200–350 SEK at a better restaurant, a beer 40–90 SEK, mostly around 50–60 SEK for 40 cl, coffee 20–30 SEK, cafe latte/double cappuccino 25–40 SEK.
There are plenty of restaurants in the mall, the food court has a nice sushi/ramen/bowl restaurant, Misora Sushi, and there are several Middle Eastern fast food restaurants.
A pack of cigarettes is ca 70 SEK (and no good rolling tobacco is sold in Sweden, so if you roll cigarettes, bring your tobacco).
Wine and beer (more than 3,5 % alcohol) is only sold in a special store called SYSTEMBOLAGET. Find the closest store and opening hours at: (there is a store just above the venue)
Meetings ^
Supermarket Meetings
Supermarket Meetings is a peer programme for exhibitors and participating artists to get together and talk. Meetings take place on Thursday and Friday in rooms away from excitement of the exhibition hall Each meeting consist of between five and eight participants and a moderator who introduces the topic and ensures that the meeting runs smoothly.
The aim is to exchange ideas, compare experiences and even build new connections and collaborations.
Meetings are not open to the public, they are therefore a ’safe space’ for frank and honest discussions amongst peers.
The online booking form for Meetings: Click here (2024 form, will be updated soon)
We are happy to answer any questions you might have! Email:
Meetings Expanded
Meetings Expanded is a unique programme for artists and art professionals with the objectives to increase the exchange of knowledge and experience for artists and artist-run organisations worldwide. Meetings Expanded provide a daily schedule of networking activities that connect the participant with the local art scene, such as art institutions, galleries and cultural institutes, and with international exhibitors. The focus is to invite artists and art professionals who act as exhibition organisers and other influential members of artistic communities across the world to meet and exchange experiences and strategies, enabling the possibility of new projects and collaborations.
We are happy to answer any questions you might have. Email:
Supermarket Forum will take place on Wednesday 2 April, 15.00–18.00 and is followed by the Professional Preview.
Send the name of one staff member who is going to represent your gallery at Forum. The participation for one person is included in the exhibition fee. Due to size limitations only one person per gallery can take part. The remaining members can join from 17.00 when the guided tours start. Send the name of your participant to by 1 March.